Saturday, September 26, 2009

Two Burgers > One Burger

After a long layoff (by my standards) from burgers, it looks like they are making a dietary comeback. I am not sure if this will keep up, since the weather is going to become less and less grill-friendly, but we'll enjoy it while it lasts.

No major stories to tell, but we have reaffirmed that burgers are much better when you add sauteed onions and sauteed mushrooms to them. I also believe that Matt and Bill would agree with this assertion. Also undeniable: eating 2 burgers is more awesome than eating 1 burger.*

I wonder if burgers will be on the menu at Mom & Chuck's wedding next weekend. . .

I also wonder if people will be annoyed that they were expecting a super-awesome story and instead got this. Sorry!


*This does not apply to R.F. O'Sullivan, where eating 2 burgers will almost certainly kill you from beef poisoning. It's like alcohol poisoning for meat.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yes, I Know They Feed You at Weddings. . .

But that still didn't stop me from eating "dinner" a few hours beforehand. I met up with Amy and Scott at the hotel around 3 or so. Luckily for us, we found out that the wedding we were there for was at 5:30, which was good since none of us had any idea about the time as of the morning of the event. As a side note, this story doubles as a strong motivator for paying more attention to where I put wedding invitations in the future.

Since the wedding was at 5:30, we figured dinner wouldn't be until somewhere around 9, and that is far too late. We went over to T.G.I. Friday's because it was the closest restaurant that we could see from the hotel.

The winning menu choice: the Jack Daniels burger. Burgers with alcohol or beer-based sauces seem to be the new big thing these days. I would say that this is because they are fantastic. Especially if you order them rare and they actually come that way. Know who could learn something about rare burgers? Uno's. Sometimes there, rare is interpreted as well done, and that is just a terrible thing to do to a burger. This story is kind of rambling.

As for the wedding, it was a good time. Congrats to Scott and Courtney (a different Scott from the previously mentioned one).


PS - I wrote this whole post while watching the TV, so anything spelled wrong or anything that makes no sense at all is because of that.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Open House is Scary

Thursdays are exciting days because they are the days that I eat dinner with Dad and Kelly, and it's always a surprise what dinner is going to be. This particular Thursday was also Open House at work, which meant that after whatever surprise meal I ate, there was a minor chance that it would later be vomited up due to massive nervousness in front of a bunch of parents. Boy, that would make a great story.

It didn't happen though.

Dinner was bacon cheeseburgers, which is always a great addition to cheeseburgers. Also some baked beans were involved, and they also contained bacon. Really, bacon is a great addition to everything. Maybe I could make a blog about that. . .

Just kidding; I can barely keep this one updated. And I eat much more bacon than I eat cheeseburgers.

Open House also went smoothly. At least it did from my perspective. Who knows what those poor parents were thinking. If I had to guess, I would say that some of the thoughts were "why does he keep looking at the side wall there?" or possibly "wow, [their kid's name] was right about this guy. He's crazy."

Oh well, there's always next year to try to do it correctly.


PS - Is anyone else as baffled by the fact that I don't have a tag for bacon as I am?

PPS - Why is each post's font size different? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

That Was a Wet Evening

Never one to turn down a gift, I gladly accepted Chuck's offer of a pair of Red Sox tickets that he couldn't use. Kathryn was also more than willing to take a free game. Unfortunately, the weather was quite threatening as we headed down the Mass Pike, so we had some concerns about how much use we would get out of them.

We decided to forego the bus because if there was a major rain delay, the bus would not be leaving until the game was officially called. Instead, we decided to drive to Somerville first and have a burger with Alex and Erica. At this point, there was not really much rain, but the signs of future rain were apparent.

The four of us headed over to R.F. O'Sullivan, and, surprisingly, were able to immediately get a table. It looks like 5:30 on Saturday is not a busy time. Since I went for the Black & Blue Burger last time (see previous post I believe), it was time to go back to the Blackjack Burger. Good choice. It was equally delicious as previous editions of said burger. Plus this is one of the few places that will give you a rare burger. I know I have said that before, but I think it's important to bring up every time. Maybe other places could learn a thing or two from my eloquent words.

Possibly even more impressive than the burger was the fact that Kathryn finished her entire burger. These things are roughly the size of her normal sized head. And thus about half the size of my oversized melon.

After the burger, we walked down to the T-Station and headed for Fenway. Once we arrived at Kenmore, we were a little concerned because it was already 7:30 and, as it was not raining, we thought we had missed a few innings.

Boy were we wrong. Not only did we not miss anything, but the game didn't start until 9:14. A slightly more than 2-hour delay during which it rained for a total of 7 minutes. Seven minutes!!! At least the grounds crew kept things interesting by continually fooling around with the tarp and making the entire crowd think the game was about to start. Let's put it this way. During a real rain-delay at Fenway, the entire front section of the stadium is empty. During this delay, every person was still in their seats. So ridiculous.

By the time the 5th inning ended, the Sox were up by a ton and it was starting to rain again. We decided (along with about 13,981 other people) that it was time to go and took the T back to Porter Square. Of course, by this point it had stopped raining again, and we decided to walk instead of calling Alex for a ride.

Big mistake.

We made it about halfway before the sky opened up on us. By the time we got to Alex's apartment, it looked like I had just gotten out of the shower.

But the Sox won, and I did get a burger. I am still calling the night a win.
