Thursday, December 16, 2010

Burgers Were the Bright Spot

Today started off ok, except that a certain pair of pugs wanted to get up earlier than I did. I was going to be subbing for a half day, and it was the second half, which meant I didn't have to get up at 6. Then I had a productive morning. I did some laundry, washed some dishes, neatened up my Pau Gasol-esque neckbeard, ate a breakfast sandwich and bacon. . . things were looking up. And then I went outside, and found yet another flat tire. How is this even possible!?

But luckily, dinner ended up being a cheeseburger and waffle fries. On a sidenote, what's the deal with waffle fries? How are they like a waffle? Waffles don't have holes in them, and waffle fries do. Case closed. Time to rename those bad boys. Since I did most of the work of coming up with the difficult idea to change the name, you're responsible for the easy part of deciding on what that name will be. I'll be expecting it by 2011. Thanks.

Back to the burger. Nice and rare, American cheese, lettuce and tomato. And barbecue sauce! Yeah, I threw a curveball in there today. And it was a pretty delicious one. If you've never substituted BBQ sauce for ketchup, give it a try sometime. It may rock your world.

Now I'm off to set up a webcam since someone is obviously sabotaging my precious automobile.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

That Was a Long Time

Wow, I haven't had a burger in a long time. Part of it might be due to the lack of grilling weather. Part of it might be due to my newfound love of burritos. And part of it is probably due to the fact that I am too lazy during the winter to try to find new places to go because I want to hibernate instead. But now I've finally gotten a chance to remedy this sad situation.

And of course the burger that broke the drought was the Blackjack burger from R.F. O'Sullivan's. I think I've probably mentioned this particular burger before, so I won't bore you with the details. It was super-rare (maybe a little too rare), had some kick-ass Blackjack sauce, and had tomato and onion just like I ordered. Not like that other time where I ordered tomato and onion and got lettuce as well. Stupid lettuce. No one wants you around!

The burger was quite delicious, as usual. There were also a whole huge pile of fries. Way more than usual. I am pretty sure I ate at least 1.5 potatoes during this meal. Hopefully all those fries will do their job and soak up any alcohol I consume later.

On another note, I was playing Trainyard on Alex's phone and figured out the solution to one of the super-hard bonus puzzles. So basically I am the man. Deal with that.
