Friday, January 21, 2011

Hopefully This Won't Jinx Things

After 2010 ended with a whimper, it looks like 2011 might be off to a stronger start. Only time (and my ability to drag the people I'm eating with to burger places) will tell if it can continue.

To conclude birthday week, we went out to Judie's to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of Matt and Bill's invasion of the world. And even though I had just had a cheeseburger for dinner last night, I still felt the urge to order another one. I decided on the gorgonzola and mushroom burger, which came with 2 kinds of mushrooms (I believe shiitake and portobello) and was an absolute monster. Check it out!

Holy moly! It doesn't look like it's a massive burger, but it felt like I was easily eating twice as much. It was very meaty, and the gorgonzola was piled on. It was delicious, although I probably could have gotten away with only eating half of it and been more than satisfied. Oh well, maybe now that birthday week is over, I'll stop gorging myself like a pug. It will be tough if I keep getting burgers of this quality, and such tasty fries.

Matt ordered the four-cheese garlic bread, which as awesome, and I also tried a new beer, which I'm sure you'd like to hear all about. So you can go read that if you haven't already. All around, a delightful meal.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Burger Before the Storm

Since there's already a ton of snow outside and we're projected to get more tonight, tonight might end up being the only chance at getting a grill out of the garage. Which is precisely what Dad did tonight.

Assuming we get anything close to the snow they're expecting overnight, today might have been the only full school day of the week. And of course I worked it, because I am terrible at being unemployed properly. Who would have thought it would be so tough. After that, it was time to finish birthday shopping (hey, if my brothers wanted their gift on their actual birthday, maybe they should have been born in a month without 2+ feet of snow), then continue to feed my addiction to launching birds at towers of pigs. Stupid pigs. Stop being so smug!

Today was also the day we learned that Dad's grill is now one of those temperamental grills that decides to cook different parts of the grill at different temperatures. Like mine! Four burgers went on and came off at the same time, and they ended up as one rare, one mostly rare, one 2/3 medium-rare and 1/3 medium (which was mine), and, unfortunately for Dad, one pretty well done. Come on grill, that ain't right.

We also had some sauteed mushrooms and onions, which were delightful. And also the standard Ruffles with jalapeƱo cheese dip. And a pickle! All around a delicious meal.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh Right

I almost forgot that I have a burger blog since it's been nearly a full month since the last time I ate one. Which kind of makes me sad. Good thing I have that beer blog going so I at least have something to write about. I feel like such a slacker.

Kathryn, Sadie and I went out for a small lunch at The People's Pint before Kathryn's big birthday party extravaganza tonight. It's extra convenient because it's right around the corner from her house! There were several appealing items on the menu, but it didn't really matter because the only thing I could feel comfortable ordering was a burger after the absurdly long break. I also got a Pied pIPA since it was delightfully tasty the last time I got it.

The burger was a nice local patty with some cheddar cheese and lettuce. Apparently since tomatoes are not currently in season for the area (as the only thing in season right now is snow), they were not available as a topping. That is not a good start. The other thing I found a bit annoying was that the burger was really basic and every additional topping cost a premium price. I'm a cheap guy, and a $17 burger with the works seems a bit extreme to me.

All cheapness aside, the burger was cooked perfectly. Medium rare should be a little bit pink and juicy, and this burger was just that. Sadly, it wasn't as flavorful as I was expecting. I think the meat just needs some seasoning. And potato chips are not a good substitute for french fries. Just saying.

Overall, it wasn't a bad burger, but it wasn't one that I am itching to get again. Get some tomatoes and maybe some bacon and then we'll have something.
