Sunday, March 28, 2010

Let the Nerdiness Begin

This was an unexpected burger, which is often the best kind. Actually, I am not sure why I said that, because it's not true. I would estimate that unexpected burgers have exactly the same percentage chance of being delicious as a planned burger. So really, this entire opening paragraph is kind of pointless. Time to get down to business.

Alex and I embraced our inner nerd (which I openly do on a daily or bi-daily basis since I teach math and have to be a nerd by default) and hit up PAX East 2010 to see what all the fuss is about.* In my opinion, we had actually set our nerd bars far too high. While we did see many silly things (we had joked about making BINGO cards with things like "a person carrying a plastic sword" or "an article of clothing containing a Triforce"), there appeared to be many people that are normal. Well, as normal as it gets when you are at a convention put on by people dedicated to video games and attended by similar people.

We stayed there for a few hours, checking out some upcoming games, playing some demos, and rocking some old school Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. Remember that game? It was pretty much the (2nd) greatest thing about owning an SNES, behind Chrono Trigger. I am probably going to go home and buy that from the Wii Shop.

I am very easily distracted lately.

After we had gotten our fill of nerdy activities for the day, we walked around the corner to a little place called Bukowski's Tavern. It was really little. As in about 15 feet wide. It was also packed. We got the last 2 spots at the bar, which was good because we were both starving. I chose the BBQ Bacon Burger, because I can't resist a bacon topped burger.

It was delicious! Almost as good as the burger from the night before. The only thing that I would have liked a little more would have been if the BBQ sauce hadn't been so sweet. It was like a weird combination of meat and sweetness. It also was nice that the burger was pretty close to rare, just into medium-rare territory. That is definitely a key factor in burger enjoyment.

Their fries are also good, and they don't give you like 3 lbs of them which makes you feel like a failure at the end when you can't eat them all. Way to ruin my self-esteem, other restaurants!


* - There is a very good chance that this link will be dead at some point in the very near future. In that case, I don't know what to tell you.

Friday, March 26, 2010

This Is Not a Surprising Revelation

I did a lot of things today. I went to PD. I drew 4 more panels for the Cupcake Saga (which means people need to get off my back for a couple days). I made 3 ridiculous mini-books, one of which would probably get me fired. I officiated a volleyball game. I went candlepin bowling. And all of that means nothing because this is a blog completely dedicated to cheeseburgers, which means all of these stories are not related to our main focus.

All of that was just some distraction stuff because I ate a Blackjack Burger tonight, and it's widely known (by all 4 of my readers) that the Blackjack Burger is the ultimate burger at this point in time. Basically that means that I don't really have anything to say about it, unless you want me to start a new blog exclusively about Blackjack Burgers. Is the world really ready for Mmmm, Blackjack Burgers? You know what, don't even answer. It's not happening. That's just as ridiculous of a suggestion as Mmmm, Burritos. Which I have also already considered today. I am going to pimp the shit out of this Mmmm, [Plural Noun] idea. Maybe one of them will pay off and end my working career.

The short version of this post is that today's Blackjack Burger was excellent, but not as excellent as previous Blackjack Burgers. There was also the opportunity to meet RF himself (he's called Sully by the employees). Except apparently he's a creeper, so maybe it's a good thing that we didn't meet him and end up as lampshades in some guy's creepy apartment.

This is what the Greatest Burger So Far looks like. Notice the sauce, which is made of 95% deliciousness and 5% spiciness. Also, those aren't fries. They are like gigantic potato wedges masquerading as fries. You can see them behind the onion rings that I didn't order but got anyways.

I also drank way more beer than I am currently capable of drinking at the present, so that may explain the rambling in this post. That, or I am trying to keep the post length up. I am not even sure.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

In Which I Get Unnecessarily Aggravated

I like burgers, as you may have guessed. I like people cooking burgers for me. I enjoy trying to come up with delicious ideas for burgers. I even enjoy cooking them myself on occasion.

I do not enjoy grills with uneven heat. Especially when I am not aware of this fact ahead of time.

Dinner went from being 3 other people to being just Mom, and since I was put in charge of picking the meal, I chose burgers. Yeah, I'm a real mystery. I decided to try and be crazy and also to put some new knowledge to use, so I went for the blue cheese stuffed burger with bacon. And also with blue cheese on top, because there really isn't any such thing as too much cheese.

So I take the block of raw hamburger, which is already gross (ironically I hate having to touch raw meat, but still have aspirations of owning a restaurant; it's quite the catch-22), and separate it into 3 parts to make 3 burgers. Then I took each sub-block and made 2 mini-burgers out of it so that I could put the cheese in the middle and seal that good stuff in. And that part of the plan worked out wonderfully, minus the dry skin resulting from washing my hands 6 times. Then things took a turn for the worse.

So there was plenty of propane (which I should have checked ahead of time but didn't because I am a daredevil like that), but apparently the grill there only heats certain parts of the grill top at certain times. That is annoying. And even though both of my burgers came out perfect (give me a call, Fitzwilly's, if you need a refresher course on what "rare" means), Mom's was a little bit rare. Or you might call it raw. Let's not split hairs here. How many factors do you really need to consider when constructing a grill? 1) How many dead animals can I have cooking here at once? 2) Does this grill correctly cook all the dead animals? 3) See #1 and #2. Really, that's it. If you miss any of these things, your grill blows, and eventually you may annoy an anonymous internet loudmouth to the point where he will write a long-winded post about it. Thanks a lot, jerks.

There were also some sweet side dishes. Some kind of canned baked beans, which were not really even close to as good as the secret family baked beans, and tater tots, which made me feel like I was back in 5th grade. Also, they weren't officially tater tots, because they were Big Y brand and had some weird name like "Tot-Shaped Potato Snacks" or something equally ridiculous. And yes, I realize that "sentence" up there was a sentence fragment, and I don't care because I love sentence fragments. It would be much easier to go up there and throw a colon in place of that first period, but I would rather just make this post really long and maybe teach all (both?) the readers of this site about grammar. I am a teacher after all.

Oh. My burgers were delicious. Even though the bacon was a little crisper than it should have been, a mistake that will not be committed again. It's all about learning in the burger world.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Back to Business

Wow, what a great week in the world of cheeseburger consumption. Three burgers in a single week? That sort of thing hasn't happened since. . . well, since whenever it happened last. It's got to have been at some point, considering I've eaten 4 in a single day before.

Another positive note is that I got a burger cooked correctly. Possibly because Dad was the one in charge of cooking them. We don't take kindly to overcooked burgers. It is slightly ironic because I got the one that was cooked the best. Well, best by my standards. Kelly would probably not have appreciated the rare-ness of it because she's more of a fan of charcoal burgers, which I believe has been discussed previously.

There isn't really much of a story for this one. It's Thursday, I had dinner with Dad and Kelly, it was cheeseburgers, and there were chips and the jalapeƱo cheese dip. I feel like I've heard this one before. Maybe next time I will just copy-paste a previous post and see if anyone notices.

On the plus side, Evan and I got all the Star Coins in World 2, so the second level of World 9 is unlocked. That's kind of neat.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Poor Business Plan

After an extended burger break, I get 2 burgers in 2 days! When it rains, it pours, or whatever that silly expression is.

The original plan for today was to go out to lunch with Mom, Chuck and Chris somewhere in Northampton. Admittedly, that's not much of a plan, but that's how we roll here. Things got more detailed with the real plan becoming to go to lunch at Paradise City Tavern. And then I got super psyched because I was going to eat that giant burger with the pulled pork.

As we were on our way to meet them, I got a call that Paradise City was closed. I thought that 1:00pm was kind of a strange time to be closed if you want to sell food to people, but I guess not. The really strange part is that according to the website, the place should have been open. However, according to the fact that all the tables had the chairs on top of them, it seems like Paradise City is operating on a new business plan where you don't let customers eat.

I have a sinking feeling that maybe things are not going great for them.

We ended up going to Fitzwilly's instead, because it's pretty much across the street. I pretty much decided not to get the Jack and Meunster Burger, because that would have been super embarrassing to write a third post about it. I ended up choosing the Mushroom Cheddar Burger, because it sounded like a winning plan. And then I had it with the red onion, lettuce and tomato, because those seem like normal toppings for a burger. It was really big.

I still can't figure out why this place can't seem to cook a burger right. When it's not pink anymore, you have cooked it too long. So stop cooking it while it's still pink. Problem solved.

It's still pretty huge, right? I think I dislocated my jaw eating it.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Time to Switch Things Up

After over a year of burger eating, it's time to make a minor alteration to the way we (well, I) do business here. Yup, that's right. It's time to throw some photos of these burgers into the mix. Also, it will make it easier to imagine the burgers themselves, as the imagination factor is no longer necessary. Finally, these things are huge. Like absurdly huge.

I should probably give credit where credit is due. The picture idea has been put into play at the suggestion of Kathryn's friends Gina and Kristin. So you can either thank them if you like the pictures, or blame them if you find them creepy.

The four of us went a place in Greenfield called Hope and Olive. Now, at first you would think that this place is a pub, because that is how pubs are often named: 2 random objects mixed together. However, the name actually comes from the fact that the restaurant is on the corner of Hope St. and Olive St. Ok, so no points for creativity.

On the other hand, they do get points for having Cabin Fever on tap. See the other blog for a more in depth opinion on that. Any place that has Cabin Fever has to be doing something right. I am not sure about this next part though. They had a guy going around and doing magic tricks for the customers waiting for a table. I guess I will leave the decision of whether or not that is a good thing up to you. It did impress Kristin though, so it would appear that it did the trick of taking our minds off the waiting.

So eventually we did get a table, although it was much later than our intended dinner time. Kathryn and I split possibly the weirdest appetizer I have ever experienced. It was honeydew melon with parmesan cheese over a slice of prosciutto. I guess they just randomly picked a fruit, a cheese and a meat and made it into an appetizer. It was actually pretty good, but I am not sure it was worth the price tag to get one weird fruit/cheese/meat thing each.

Ok, on to the important part. The Hope and Olive only has one burger, but don't let that deceive you. There are a huge number of options, so let's see how many I can remember. Lettuce, tomato, raw onion, sauteed onions, mushrooms, bacon, avocado, and various cheeses. I decided to go with sauteed onions, tomatoes (which were not slices, they were like tomato sections, which was neat), mushroom (which was a portobella, and ended up being like a hat for the burger instead of little mushrooms that always fall off), bacon and cheddar cheese. That combination ends up like this:

It was fantastic. Also, those french fries were good. If you ever figure out a reason to be in Greenfield, I would give it a try.

Possibly in the future, I will try to put something in the picture that will give you a sense of scale for these monstrosities. Give me a break though, as I am taking these photos with my phone.
