Kathryn and I went to the Greenfield Grille for a Harpoon-sponsored event featuring one of their special 100 Barrel Series beers, the Glacier Harvest '10 Wet Hop Ale. I didn't write anything down about it, so there won't be any new stuff over at Mmmm, beers! about it. Sorry dudes!
I did get a burger though! It was The Grille Burger, which claimed to be a hand-formed burger with cheese, lettuce, tomato and red onion. And there were cheese choices! I went with cheddar, just to mix things up a bit. There were also fries and cole slaw, but I didn't eat the slaw because cole slaw is gross. The burger looked pretty good though.

Sadly, it did not live up to its appearance. First of all, there was not actually any red onion. Don't promise me red onion and fail to deliver! It makes me very sad. Also, while the burger was not overcooked, the outside was a little burnt, and the whole thing was a little dry. Dry burgers = not so tasty burgers.
After we ate, we hung out for the Harpoon stuff, and got free keychain bottle openers! And then Kate won a t-shirt, and I won a fleece vest!! It was a pretty sweet event, all things considered. Too bad about the burger though.